Dr. Yaron Seidman, a scholar and practitioner of Chinese Medicine for over 30 years, an international teacher, lecturer and author, is a well- respected authority in the field of holistic medicine.
He is the creator of the Hunyuan Fertility system and is also a Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor. In addition to being an advocate for Huai Xuan heart healing, he is an accomplished author, educator and innovator in the realm of Hunyuan Health. Along with his work in infertility.
Dr. Seidman is also the author of several books on the topic and the founder of Hunyuan Life, an online platform dedicated to health and wellness education in the areas of healing, exercise, meditation and spirituality. He is the director of Hunyuan Life Wellness Center in Boca Raton, Florida.
Black Forest Seminars
Nikolausstrasse 12
79848 Bonndorf im
Schwarzwald/Ortsteil Brunnadern
The house is located in the tiny hamlet of Brunnadern which is 6 km away from Bonndorf.
Möhringers Schwarzwaldhotel
Rothausstrasse 7
79848 Bonndorf
If you travel by train the nearest train station is Schaffhausen, Switzerland. We are happy to arrange a group transport from there to the seminar house or hotel.
If you are staying at the hotel and don’t have a car we will pick you up in the morning and bring you back in the evening.
For more information on this event and to register please email us at:
Megan Schirra
+41 (0)76 442 92 66